[title-section title=”Office of The Borough Clerk”][/title-section]

Office hours: Monday to Friday, 9:00 A.M. – 4:30 P.M
Telephone: (201) 585-4100
Fax: (201) 944-6333

[title-section title=”Sophia Jang, RMC”][/title-section]

Deputy Clerk
Email: [email protected]

The Borough Clerk’s position is statutorily required by the provisions of N.J.S.A 40A: 9-133. The Clerk is responsible for six core duties as the Secretary of the Governing Body, Secretary of the Municipal Corporation, Chief Administrative Officer of all Elections (in the municipality), Chief Registrar of Voters (in the municipality), Administrative Officer, and Records Coordinator and Manager.

According to the Open Public Records Act (OPRA) N.J.S.A 47-:1A-1, government records shall be readily accessible for inspection, copying, examination by the citizens of this State, with certain exceptions, for the protection of public interest. Therefore, anyone of the public may make a formal request to see certain documents by obtaining and filling out the official OPRA Request Form as provided by the Borough Clerk’s office.

Please refer to the Borough Code of Palisades Park for pertinent information regarding Borough rules and regulations.

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